Reaching Out To The Communities Around Us
Our mission at Homewood is to make and grow followers of Jesus who love, connect and serve.
We believe one of the best ways to do that is by reaching out to address the needs of our neighbors through developing initiatives and working with our community partners.
Our work includes service to -
- The hungry
- The homeless
- The marginalized
- Vulnerable children
- Families in crisis
- Victims of human trafficking
Please click here to read the latest edition of The Connector, our Outreach Ministry newsletter.
If you have a heart for service in any of these areas or would like to organize other Outreach initiatives,
we'd love to hear from you.
Contact us at outreach@homewoodchurch. org
Mobile Food Pantry
If you’re looking for a way to serve a need in our community and reach out to our neighbors, join our Mobile Food Pantry team. On the third Saturday of each month, we bring much needed food to families at Jonesboro Elementary School in Bessemer, and we need volunteers to keep this effort going strong. It only takes a little of your time, but the rewards of helping others are hard to measure. If you would like to be a part of this Outreach initiative, contact team leaders Jay and Shelby Elmore or sign up online here.
Sign On To VOMO
Homewood has launched a new service to get our members more involved in volunteer opportunities. It's called VOMO - which stands for Volunteer Movement. This
is an easy and quick way to find out about the growing number of
community involvement projects here and for you to get involved. Please click here to sign on with VOMO. If it is your first time using VOMO, contact the church office for a password.
Mentors Needed
The Homewood Church is establishing a new partnership with the non-profit organization LegacyWorks. Their mission is to help urban youth improve their lives, the lives of their families, and their communities. LegacyWorks will be using our facilities for their program on three Saturdays a month during the school year. They are also looking for mentors willing to give of themselves to help guide these young people.
If this interests you or you want to find out more about how to
get involved, visit the information table set up for LegacyWorks in the
foyer this Sunday, August 25 to meet and speak with their executive director, Terrence Ingram.
For more information, you can also contact us at outreach@homewoodchurch. org