• Toilet Paper Drive This Month

    We're rolling out a toilet paper drive to support the women at the Lovelady Center. You can contribute these much needed items by bringing donations to the church office during the week or by dropping them off in the designated area in the church foyer on Sundays. Donations will be accepted until the end of September.

  • Benefit Dinner for Virunga Valley Academy: Sept 14

    We invite you to join us in supporting the mission of Virunga Valley Academy in Rwanda by attending a fundraising dinner here at our building on September 14 at 6:00PM. Through the leadership of our missionaries, Matt and Andrea Miller, along with Thom and Bekah Savage, this American International School continues to grow and has made a difference in the lives of hundreds of children. Proceeds from the event will go towards maintaining the work being done there and building an endowment to take it into the future. 

    For more details, to purchase tickets, or make a donation, click here

  • Onsite Food Pantry:  September 18

    Our next onsite food pantry will take place here at our building on Wednesday, September 18 at 9AM. Volunteers are always needed and should arrive to help at 9AM.  The onsite food pantry is held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month.

  • Jonesboro Food Pantry: September 21

    Help serve at our mobile food pantry at Jonesboro Elementary School on Saturday, September 21 at 10:30AM. Volunteers are always needed! The Jonesboro Food Pantry takes place on the 3rd Saturday of each month.

  • Senior Sisters: September 25

    Our next Senior Sisters meeting will take place on Wednesday, Sept 25, at 11:30am in the Tri Room. We will watch an interesting video called “The Science of Aging Smarter,“  play a fun game and enjoy a time visiting with one another. Bring your lunch and a friend and join us for a fun afternoon!


  • Hymn Sing & Ice Cream: September 29

    We'll be breaking out the songbooks on Sunday, September 29 at 5:30pm in the Chapel for an old fashioned hymn sing! Want to lead a song or two? Here's your chance. Is there a long forgotten song you'd love to request? This night is for you!

    And just to make the night a little sweeter, we'll be serving ice cream in the courtyard afterward! 

  • Bible Study Fellowship

    Women today face a multitude of challenges, like struggles with insecurity, broken relationships, guilt, overwork or loneliness. Countless women have found peace, comfort, hope, security and answers to life's big questions by exploring God's Word together as participants in Bible Study Fellowship (BSF). Every Tuesday morning, BSF meets here at our building and is open to women of all ages. Biblical instruction is also available for children six and under. 

    For more information about BSF or to join, click here.

  • Travel in the Footsteps of Paul: Oct 6-15, 2025

    Join Bret and Lanie Walters for an adventure of a lifetime in Greece! View the Byzantine Castle, the Roman Aqueduct, take a stroll thru Mykonos, sail to the island of Patmos, experience the whitewashed villages of Santorini, admire the architectural wonders of ancient Athens, and more!

    For details about the tour, along with pricing and itinerary, click here

    To register, click here

    ** Use Tour Code: BWalters G25