Gathering together is a vital part of the life and rhythm of our faith family. Every Sunday we gather to worship, study and share in communion. And then we disperse to every corner of the Greater Birmingham Area. In the midst of the week, and the rush of life, it is good to gather again with your faith family. This is Connect Group. A time to to connect, to rest, to center, on a small and more intimate level. We hope that if you want to become more of a part of our community that you would make being a part of a Connect Group a priority. 

Our Connect Groups meet throughout the week and are organized by life stages, locations, interest and more! 

Connect Group Page Update Coming Soon!

We are currently rebuilding our website which will include a new page for our Connect Group Ministry! We would still love to help you get connected in the meantime. If you have any questions or if you would like help finding a group, please email Connections Minister, Chris by CLICKING HERE!