As disciples of Christ, we are always to be thankful for the blessings we receive. But that seems especially true this time of the year. We are asking our Homewood faith family to share what it is thankful for in six words. We call it Six Word Stories of Thanks.
It’s simple. Put in six words what you’re thankful for. We invite you to go in any direction you want. You can express gratitude for life’s big things (‘Cancer-free after five long years’) or seasonal joys (‘Daughter now makes family Thanksgiving feast’). Maybe you’re thankful for making it through a life journey (‘We all lived through son’s teens’).”
To submit your story, you can –
- Post it on the church Facebook, Instagram or Twitter page, using the hashtag #HCOC6Words
- Email it to
- Use our online Connection card
- Fill out a card available in the foyer and drop it in the collection box
Please put your name on your entry. We will take you Six Word Stories and share them during this holiday season. We will be accepting stories starting now and through the holidays.
We hope everyone will take this opportunity to share what you’re thankful for to lift up each other during this meaningful time of the year.